October 17, 2024

Un tro, ffeindiodd Franz Kafka fag o catnip ymysg ei selsig.

Roedd e’n meddwl y byddai’n ddoniol cymysgu’r cwbl lot i mewn i fwyd y cathod.

Doedd dim effaith ar Daf. Roedd angen cymryd cyffuriau cryfach iddi gael profiad seicedelig y dyddiau hyn.

Ond aeth Jeff o’i chof. Brathodd a chnoi dwylo pawb, a rholio o gwmpas fel cath wallgof.

Yna, bwytodd pob un selsigen Franz Kafka ar yr un pryd. Munchies oedd e.

Saesneg / English

On the catnip again

One day, Franz Kafka found a bag of catnip among his sausages.

He thought it would be funny to mix the whole lot into the cats’ food.

There was no effect on Dave. She needed to take stronger drugs to have a psychedelic experience these days.

But Jeff went mad. She bit and chewed everyone’s hands, and rolled around like a mad cat.

Then, she ate all Franz Kafka’s sausages in one go. It was munchies.

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