September 19, 2024

Mae Saunders Lewis wedi bod yn yfed.

Ar y bws teithio, mae e’n ddadleugar iawn. Mae e am gwffio ag un o’r Pandas Pinc.

Mae e’n bloeddio nerth ei ben dylai’r panda gael ei ymddiswyddo fel aelod o’r band.

Mae Kate Roberts a Daf y gath yn anwybyddu’r holl gweryla. Bydd Saunders Lewis yn cwympo’n plwnsh cyn bo hir.

Beth sy’n digwydd nawr?

Mae Saunders Lewis wedi dod o hyd i Dreamies seicedelig Daf y gath. Mae e’n cymryd y cyfan. O diar.

Wrth i Saunders Lewis teithio i ffwrdd i’r Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel, mae heddwch.

“Mae Saunders Lewis wedi bod yn yfed.”

Saesneg / Englisb


Saunders Lewis has been drinking.

On the tour bus, he is very argumentative. He wants to have a fight with one of the Pink Pandas.

He is shouting at the top of his voice that the panda should be sacked as a member of the band.

Kate Roberts and Dave the cat are ignoring all the bickering. Saunders Lewis will soon fall in a heap.

What is happening now?

Saunders Lewis has found Dave the cat’s psychedelic Dreamies. He takes the lot. Oh dear.

As Saunders Lewis trips off to the Other Crymych beyond the horizon, there is peace.

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