September 17, 2024

Mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi dod o hyd i hen beiriant yn ei sied weldio. Hen beiriant torri gwair yw e, ond mae’n edrych fel offeryn artaith. Peiriant torri coesau, efallai.

Dyw’r peiriant ddim yn gweithio, beth bynnag.

— Shwd wt ti’n mynd i fendio’r peiriant, Bryn? gofyn Daf y gath.

— Weldo, medd Bryn.

Wrth gwrs.

O fewn dim, mae’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi weldio’r peiriant, er nad yw’n amlwg beth mae hynny wedi cyflawni.

— Brrrm, medd yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr. Mae e’n rhedeg o gwmpas, yn esgus bod yn beiriant torri gwair sy’n gweithio.

Saesneg / English


The famous Bryn Teribl has found an old machine in his welding shed. It’s an old lawnmower, but it looks like an instrument of torture. A leg breaking machine, maybe.

The machine doesn’t work, anyway.

— How are you going to mend the machine, Bryn? asks Dave the cat.

— Welding, says Bryn.

Of course.

In no time, the famous Bryn Teribl has welded the machine, although it is not clear what that has achieved.

—-Brrrm, says the famous Owain Glyndŵr. He is running around, pretending to be a lawnmower that works.

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