September 20, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath wedi anfon yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr i Ffrainc.

Mae hi’n mynnu dylai’r Ffrancod ymddiheuro am fod wedi ymosod ar Abergwaun ar ddiwedd y deunawfed ganrif.

Ydy’r enwog Owain Glyndŵr yn ddigon galluog ar gyfer y perwyl hwn?

Nac ydy.

Ond mae e’n mynd i gael lot o hwyl wrth drio bwyta andouillette, sef math o selsigen Ffrengig sy’n cynnwys treip.

Achosith e ryfel, siŵr o fod.

“Achosith e ryfel, siŵr o fod.”

Saesneg / English


Jeff the cat has sent the famous Owain Glyndŵr to France.

She demands that the French should apologise for having attacked Fishguard at the end of the eighteenth century.

Is the famous Owain Glyndŵr sufficiently capable for this mission?

He is not.

But he’s going to have a lot of fun trying to eat an andouillette, which is a type of French sausage that contains tripe.

He will probably cause a war.

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