September 28, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant wedi bod yn gwylio ymgyrch etholiadol Daf y gath â diddordeb mawr. Mae e wedi bod yn treulio oriau meddw o flaen y teledu, yn chwerthin ar ei phen hi.

Mae e hefyd wedi bod yn cynllwynio.

Mae’n amlwg taw methiant llwyr bydd ymgyrch Daf y gath.

Felly, pwy all achub y dydd ar ôl yr etholiad cyffredinol?

Dewi Sant, dyna pwy! Mae Plaid Dewi’n siŵr o fod yn llwyddiant ysgubol.

Mae Dewi am droi Cymru ym math arbennig o dalaith eglwysig. Bydd diwygiad arall! Bydd y capeli’n llawn! Bydd diodydd cryfion a sigaréts i bawb! Mae Dewi mor gyffrous. Bydd hyd yn oed yr Esgob yn falch ohono.

Erbyn hyn, mae e’n gwneud yn well na Daf yn y polau piniwn, hyd yn oed. Felly, mae e’n bwriadu cymryd drosodd Plaid Daf unwaith bydd Daf wedi methu.

O diar.

“Bydd diodydd cryfion a sigaréts i bawb!”

Saesneg / English

Saving the day

Saint David has been watching Dave the cat’s electoral campaign with great interest. He has been spending hours drunk in front of the television, laughing at her.

He has also been plotting.

It is clear that Dave the cat’s campaign will be a complete failure.

So, who can save the day after the general election?

Saint David, that’s who! Saint David’s Party is sure to be a huge success.

Saint David wants to turn Wales into a special kind of ecclesiastical state. There will be another revival! The chapels will be full! There will be strong drink and cigarettes for everyone! Saint David is so excited. Even the Bishop will be proud of him.

By now, he is even doing better than Dave in the opinion polls. Therefore, he intends to take over Dave’s party once Dave has failed.

Oh dear.

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