September 28, 2024

Mae Daf y gath yn honni roedd hi’n dlawd fel cath fach. Mae hi am ddangos ei bod hi’n deall problemau’r boblogaeth gyffredinol.

Dyw hi ddim.

Nid yw’r cyfwelydd yn ei chredu hi chwaith.

– Pan o’n i’n ifanc we dim Dreamies ar ga’l. We dim catnip hyd yn o’d. We rhaid i fi ddiddanu’n hunan trw ware gida’n nghinffon ‘n hunan, meddai Daf.

– Pam ‘ych chi’n siarad mor dafodieithol heddi? gofyn y cyfwelydd.

– Er mwyn swno’n authentic.

– ‘Ych chi’n swno fel twrist ieithyddol, ‘na i gyd, meddai’r cyfwelydd. – Pleidleisiwch dros Jeff y gath!

“Mae hi am ddangos ei bod hi’n deall problemau’r boblogaeth gyffredinol.”

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat claims she was poor as a kitten. She wants to show that she understands the problems of the general population.

She doesn’t.

The interviewer doesn’t believe her either.

– When I was young there were no Dreamies. There wasn’t even any catnip. I had to entertain myself by playing my own tail, says Dave.

– Why are you speaking such strong dialect today? asks the interviewer.

– To sound authentic.

– You sound like a linguistic tourist, that’s all, says the interviewer. – Vote for Jeff the cat!

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