September 28, 2024

Wel dyna syndod.

Ar ôl iddo dderbyn amlen frown ddirgel, trosfeddiannodd yr enwog Bryn Teribl blaid gyfan.

Pa blaid ydy’r enwog Bryn Teribl wedi trosfeddiannu?

Y Blaid Cwstard.

Dyw Santes Dwynwen ddim yn hapus. Roedd hi’n gobeithio rhedeg y parti rywbryd.

Hen bolisi’r blaid oedd “cwstard i bawb”, ond nawr mae Bryn Teribl am oresgyn y byd i gyd. Gyda’i gitâr fas. O diar.

Ble bynnag mae e’n mynd, mae pobl yn taflu cwstard drosto fe. Am farddonol!

“Ble bynnag mae e’n mynd, mae pobl yn taflu cwstard drosto fe.”

Saesneg / English


Well that’s a surprise.

After he received a mysterious brown envelope, the famous Bryn Teribl took over an entire party.

Which party has the famous Bryn Teribl taken over?

The Custard Party.

Saint Dwynwen is not happy. She hoped to run the party at some point.

The party’s old policy was “custard for everyone”, but now Bryn Teribl wants to conquer the whole world. With his bass guitar. Oh dear.

Wherever he goes, people throw custard over him. How poetic!

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