July 2, 2024

Mae ymddygiad Daf y gath yn ystod ei hymgyrch etholiadol wedi codi arswyd ar ei chwaer.

Mae Jeff yn meddwl tybed oedd hi erioed yn adnabod ei chwaer mewn gwirionedd.

Dyw Jeff ddim hyd yn oed eisiau bod mewn grym dim mwy.

Ond all hi ddim tynnu’n ôl fel ymgeisydd nawr. Mae hi wedi ymrwymo ormod i dynnu’n ôl.

O diar.

Does dim ond wythnos i fynd.

Diolch byth.

“Does dim ond wythnos i fynd. Diolch byth.”

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat’s behaviour during her election campaign has horrified her sister.

Jeff wonders if she ever really knew her sister.

Jeff doesn’t even want to be in power any more.

But she cannot pull out as a candidate now. She’s too deeply committed to pull out.

Oh dear.

There’s only a week to go.

Thank goodness.

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