October 16, 2024

Mae esgidiau Dewi Sant yn draed moch. Â dweud y gwir, mae Dewi Sant ei hun yn draed moch, ond gadewch i ni ganolbwyntio ar ei esgidiau.

Byddai’n well gyda Daf y gath beidio canolbwyntio ar esgidiau Dewi Sant oherwydd eu drewdod nhw. Wedi’r cwbl, maen nhw’n gannoedd o flynyddoedd oed.

Mae Santes Non, mam Dewi Sant, wedi cael hen ddigon. Mae hi’n anfon ei Hannwyl Dewi Bach i’r siopau gyda digon o arian i brynu esgidiau newydd.

Yr het ysblennydd

Ond mae Dewi yn gwastraffu’r cwbl lot ar gwrw a het ysblennydd fel anrheg i’r enwog Bryn Terfel, sydd wedi bod yn drist iawn yn ddiweddar.

Mae Santes Non yn gynddeiriog.

Saesneg / English


Saint David’s shoes are a shambles. To tell the truth, St David himself is a shambles, but let’s focus on his shoes.

Dave the cat would prefer not to focus on St David’s shoes because of their stench. After all, they are hundreds of years old.

Saint Non, Saint David’s mum, has had quite enough. She sends her Dear Little Dewi to the shops with enough money to buy some new shoes.

But Dewi wastes it all on beer and a splendid hat as a present for the famous Bryn Terfel, who has been very sad lately.

Saint Non is furious.

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