Mae Caerfyrddin y gragen fylchog anneuaidd wedi gwneud gwall.
Gwall difrifol yw e.
Am ryw reswm, mae Caerfyrddin wedi herio Crispin y milgi i ras o gwmpas yr ardd.
Mae Dewi Sant yn chwythu chwiban i’r ras gychwyn. Mae Crispin yn diflannu i’r pellter. Mae Caerfyrddin yn agor eu cragen modfedd neu dwy a methu symud. Am ras.
Saesneg / English
Carmarthen the non-binary scallop has made an error.
It is a serious error.
For some reason, Carmarthen has challenged Crispin the greyhound to a race around the garden.
Saint David blows a whistle for the race to begin. Crispin disappears into the distance. Carmarthen opens their shell an inch or two and fails to move. What a race.