1213: Ffrae

Mae’r Archesgob wedi achosi ffrae.

O diar. Beth sy’ wedi digwydd?


Mae’r Esgob wedi prynu’r math anghywir o fisgedi sinsir.

Ai dyna i gyd?

Dim cweit.

Mae’r Esgob wedi codi mater eciwmenaidd.

O diar.

Ddylai neb godi materion eciwmenaidd gyda’r Archesgob. Mae e’n alergaidd iddyn nhw. Felly mae’r Archesgob wedi strancio a thaflu ei fwyd i’r llawr.

Mae Daf y gath yn gadael pelen ffwr yn het yr Archesgob.

Mae Daf y gath yn gadael pelen ffwr yn het yr Archesgob.

Saesneg / English


The Archbishop has caused a row.

Oh dear. What has happened?


The Bishop has bought the wrong type of ginger biscuits.

Is that all?

Not quite.

The Bishop has raised an ecumenical matter.

Oh dear.

No one should raise ecumenical matters with the Archbishop. He is allergic to them. So the Archbishop has had a tantrum and thrown his food on the floor.

Dave the cat leaves a furball in the Archbishop’s hat.

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