December 5, 2024

Mae’r cathod wedi hwylio eu llong bleser nhw i Ddakar.

Mae Daf y gath yn gynhyrfus iawn. Mae hi am yrru Land Rover neu ryw fodur all-ffordd arall, a rhoi shot ar Rali Dakar.

Dyw Jeff ddim o blaid ei syniad.

— Ble ti mynd i gal Land Rover? gofyn Jeff.

— ‘Na un, draw fan ‘co, medd Daf.

Mae hi’n cyfeirio at fwced rydlyd wrth ymyl y ffordd.

— Bwced yw honna, medd Jeff.

Mae’r cathod yn clywed sŵn injan yn dod yn fyw, cyn gwylio’r enwog Bryn Teribl yn rhuthro i ffwrdd ar gefn tractor.

— MYND I RASO! cana Bryn, cyn crasho i mewn i dractor arall.

Annwyl ddarllenwyr, dyw e ddim yn mynd i rasio. Bydd rhaid i Rali Dakar gwneud heb ei dalentau.

“Bwced yw honna.”

Saesneg / English


The cats have sailed their yacht to Dakar.

Daf the cat is very excited. She wants to drive a Land Rover or some other off-road vehicle, and give the Dakar Rally a shot.

Jeff is not in favour of her idea.

— Where are you going to get a Land Rover? asks Jeff.

— There’s one, over there, says Dave.

    She points at a rusty bucket by the side of the road.

    — That’s a bucket, says Jeff.

      The cats hear the sound of an engine coming to life, before watching the famous Bryn Teribl speed away on the back of a tractor.

      — GOING TO RACE! sings Bryn, before crashing into another tractor.

      Dear readers, he is not going to race. The Dakar Rally will have to do without his talents.

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