October 16, 2024

Mae Mrs. Trefnus wedi cael syniad.

Mae hi’n mynd i rwystro’r uffernol Natalie Darllen rhag diflasu’r Mawrthiaid â’i llyfrau ofnadwy drwy sefydlu Menter Iaith Mawrth.

Bydd canllawiau.

Bydd deddfau hyd yn oed.

Pwy fydd yn mynnu ufudd-dod?

Nid Daf y gath. Mae Daf y gath wedi bod yn arbrofi â chyffuriau Mawrthaidd, ac mae hi off ei phen.

Nid Jeff y gath chwaith. Dyw hi ddim eisiau gwneud e, a dyna ddiwedd arni.

Pwy sydd ar ôl?

O diar.

Dyletswydd yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr fydd e.

Mae e mor hapus. Mae e’n dechrau rhedeg eto. Bant â fe, i wneud cylchdro gorchest.

“Bant â fe, i wneud gylchdro gorchest.”

Saesneg / English

Menter Iaith Mars

Mrs. Trefnus has had an idea.

She is going to stop the hellish Natalie Darlen from boring the Martians with her terrible books by establishing Menter Iaith Mars.

There will be guidelines.

There will even be laws.

Who will enforce obedience?

Not Dave the cat. Dave the cat has been experimenting with Martian drugs, and she’s off her head.

Not Jeff the cat either. She doesn’t want to do it, and that’s that.

Who is left?

Oh dear.

It will be the duty of the famous Owain Glyndŵr.

He is so happy. He starts running again. Off he goes, to do a lap of honour.

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