October 16, 2024

Mae hi’n gynnar iawn, ac mae Daf y gath newydd ddihuno o freuddwyd.

Ble mae’r Pandas Pinc? Mae’r Pandas Pinc wedi diflannu.

Beth sydd?

Roedd Daf ar daith seicedelig ar ôl iddi gymryd gormod o Dreamies.

Doedd hi ddim ar daith go iawn, felly?

Nac oedd.


Ble mae Robat Smith?

Mae Robat Smith gartref, yn canolbwyntio ar albwm newydd The Cure.

Pam mae cân am bandas ar yr albwm?

Pwy a ŵyr.

“Mae Robat Smith gartref, yn canolbwyntio ar albwm newydd The Cure.”

Saesneg / English

4:13 dream

It is very early, and Dave the cat has just woken up from a dream.

Where are the Pink Pandas? The Pink Pandas have disappeared.

What’s going on?

Dave was on a psychedelic trip after she took too many Dreamies.

She wasn’t on a real tour, then?

No she wasn’t.


Where is Robert Smith?

Robert Smith is at home, focusing on The Cure’s new album.

Why is there a song about pandas on the album?

Who knows.

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