October 6, 2024

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn dwli’n llwyr ar Robat Smith. Mae ei chariad hi‘n ddiderfyn.

O diar.

Bydd rhaid i Robat Smith adael Y Pandas Pinc cyn hir, a chanolbwyntio ar The Cure.

Ond mae Santes Dwynwen yn benderfynol o ennill ei gariad cyn iddo fe fynd. Mae hi’n prynu tusw o rosod a’u trochi nhw mewn gwaed.

(Pa fath o waed? Pwy a ŵyr. Peidiwch â gofyn.)

Weirdo, medd Robat Smith, a mynd yn ôl i’w wiriad sain.

Mae Daf y gath yn llyfu’r blodau. Maen nhw’n flasus iawn.

O, Daf.

“Maen nhw’n flasus iawn.”

Saesneg / English


Saint Dwynwen is totally obsessed with Robert Smith. Her love is boundless.

Oh dear.

Robert Smith will have to leave The Pink Pandas before long, and concentrate on The Cure.

But Saint Dwynwen is determined to win his love before he goes. She buys a bouquet of roses and dips them in blood.

(What kind of blood? Who knows. Don’t ask.)

— Weirdo, says Robert Smith, and goes back to his soundcheck.

    Dave the cat licks the flowers. They are very tasty.

    Oh, Dave.

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