October 5, 2024

Pam mae Daf y gath yn dioddef o amrywiadau hwyl gwyllt?

Achos bod Santes Dwynwen wedi rhoi tabledi dirgel iddi.

O diar.

Beth sy’n digwydd?

Mae Santes Dwynwen yn llawn cenfigen oherwydd hoffter Robat Smith tuag at Daf y gath. Felly mae hi am wneud i Daf y gath fihafio’n od.

Ond mae Daf y gath yn bihafio’n od beth bynnag.

Dyna pam mae Robat Smith mor hoff ohoni.

“Mae Santes Dwynwen yn llawn genfigen oherwydd hoffter Robat Smith tuag at Daf y gath.”

Saesneg / English

Wild Mood Swings

Why is Dave the cat suffering from wild mood swings?

Because Saint Dwynwen has given her some mysterious pills.

Oh dear.

What is happening?

Saint Dwynwen is full of jealousy because of Robert Smith’s fondness for Dave the cat. So she wants to make Dave the cat behave oddly.

But Dave the cat behaves oddly anyway.

That’s why Robert Smith likes her so much.

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