October 17, 2024

Yn anffodus, mae gweledigaeth seicedelig Jeff y gath wedi mynd o’r chwith.

Roedd yr enwog Julian Cope yn gosod ei ddamcaniaethau am Gastell Henllys allan i Jeff y gath pan gyrhaeddodd heddlu Oes y Cerrig a’u harestio eu dau.

Ni all Jeff y gath wneud dim byd. Mae heddlu Oes y Cerrig yn lliwgar ac yn toddi fel menyn oherwydd cryfder y catnip y mae hi wedi ei gymryd.

– Dw i ‘di bod yn y carchar ar drip seicedelig o’r blân, meddai’r enwog Julian Cope. – Paid becso.

– Ond pam ‘yn ni ‘di câl ‘n arestio yn y lle cyntaf?

Mae damcaniaeth gyda’r enwog Julian Cope.

– Does neb isie i ni ddarganfod y gwir am safleoedd cyn-hanesyddol y de-orllewin, meddai.

– Neu falle am i ti rhoi’r cytiau crynion ar dân? Falle? Ti’n meddwl?

Mae Jeff y gath yn gandryll.

Mae’r enwog Julian Cope yn codi ei ysgwyddau.

– Damwain oedd hynny.

Saesneg / English

Fire in Henllys

Unfortunately, Jeff the cat’s psychedelic vision has gone wrong.

The famous Julian Cope was expounding his theories about Castell Henllys to Jeff the cat when the Stone Age police arrived and arrested them both.

Jeff the cat can’t do anything. The Stone Age police are colourful and melting like butter because of the strength of the catnip she has taken.

I’ve been in prison on a psychedelic trip before, says the famous Julian Cope. – Don’t worry.

– But why’ve we been arrested in the first place?

The famous Julian Cope has a theory.

– No one wants us to discover the truth about the pre-historic sites of the south-west, he said.

– Or maybe because you set the round huts on fire? Maybe? You think?

Jeff the cat is furious.

The famous Julian Cope shrugs his shoulders.

– That was an accident.

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