October 17, 2024

Mae Jeff y gath wedi dod o hyd i lyfr annisgwyl ar y silffoedd. Mae e wedi ei rwymo mewn lledr llawn, ac mae’r lledr yn oren llachar.

– Beth yw hwnna? gofyn Jeff y gath i Daf ei chwaer.

– Sai’mod, etyb Daf. – Sa i ‘di gweld e o’r blân.

Mae Jeff yn agor y llyfr. Mae golau dwys, ac mae côr angylion yn dechrau canu yn ddramatig.

– Daf?

– Beth?

– Fi’n gwbod beth yw e.

– Beth?

– Llyfr rysáit Dreamies cyfrinachol yw e!

– Well i ti ‘i gadw e lawr stâr ‘te. So ni isie gwerthu fe ar ddamwain.

Saesneg / English

The orange book

Jeff the cat has found an unexpected book on the shelves. It is bound in full leather, and the leather is bright orange.

– What’s that? Jeff the cat asks her sister Dave.

– Dunno, says Dave. – I haven’t seen it before.

Jeff opens the book. There is an intense light, and a choir of angels begins to sing dramatically.

– Dave?

– What?

– I know what it is.

– What?

– It’s the secret Dreamies recipe book!

– You’d better keep it downstairs. We don’t want to sell it by accident.

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