October 17, 2024

Mae dyfodol siop lyfrau Dewi Sant yn y fantol.

Nid yw’r siop yn gwneud dim elw, ac mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel a’i efell Owain Glyndŵr yn costio llawer i’w bwydo.

Does dim dwywaith amdani. Bydd rhaid iddo fe losgi‘r siop yn ulw a hawlio’r arian yswiriant.

Mae Daf y gath yn gwylio Dewi wrth iddo roi’r siop ar dân. Mae pawb yn rhedeg allan i’r stryd.

Yna, mae Dewi Sant yn troi’n welw.

Mae e newydd sylweddoli nad oes dim yswiriant gydag e.

Saesneg / English

In the balance

The future of Saint David’s bookshop is in the balance.

The shop makes no profit, and the famous Bryn Terfel and his twin Owain Glyndŵr cost a lot to feed.

There is no doubt about it. He will have to burn down the shop and claim the insurance money.

Dave the cat watches Saint David as he sets the shop on fire. Everyone runs out into the street.

Then, Saint David turns pale.

He has just realised he has no insurance.

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