October 17, 2024

Pam mae’r Esgob yn uffern, yn gwisgo gwisg ffansi sydd yn gwneud iddo fe edrych fel y Diawl?

Oherwydd ei droseddau.

Pa droseddau?

Annwyl ddarllenwr, byddai’n well gyda chi beidio gwybod.

Pam mae cyn-aelodau’r band jazz-funk sanctaidd, yn gynnwys y cathod a Santes Dwynwen, yn uffern?

Maen nhw yno ar gam, achos mai twpsynnod ydyn nhw. ‘Dyn nhw ddim wedi cyflawni unrhyw droseddau. Eto.

Ond ble mae’r holl gitaryddion y chwedegau a’r saithdegau? Pwy a ŵyr.

Saesneg / English


Why is the Bishop in hell, wearing fancy dress that makes him look like the Devil?

Because of his crimes.

What crimes?

Dear reader, it would be better for you not to know.

Why are the former members of the holy jazz-funk band, including the cats and Saint Dwynwen, in hell?

They are there by mistake, because they are idiots. ‘They haven’t committed any crimes. Yet.

But where are all the guitarists of the sixties and seventies? Who knows.

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