October 17, 2024

Mae Eifion Sant wedi trefnu gig mewn tafarn leol i’r band jazz-funk er mwyn tynnu sylw’r enwog Bryn Terfel oddi ar ei dun rhostio.

Yn anffodus, mae Bryn Terfel eisoes wedi dinistrio ei gitâr fas, felly bydd rhaid iddo fe ganu’r llinell fas.

Mae Jeff y gath yn gwrthod canu’r bongos o hyd, felly dyma Daf y gath a’i pheiriant drymiau o dan y goleuadau ar y llwyfan, yng nghwmni’r enwog Bryn Terfel, sydd yn sefyll o flaen stondin meicroffon yn ei y-fronts a’i het hances.

Mae’r gynulleidfa’n rhyfeddu hyd yn oed cyn iddyn nhw chwarae nodyn.

Mae Daf yn tanio’r peiriant drymiau.

– Bmmm tssh, meddai’r peiriant.

Mae’r enwog Bryn Terfel yn cymryd cam ymlaen a chwympo oddi ar y llwyfan.

Saesneg / English

Saint Eifion has arranged a gig in a local pub for the jazz-funk band in order to distract the famous Bryn Terfel from his roasting tin.

Unfortunately, Bryn Terfel has already destroyed his bass guitar, so he will have to sing the bass line.

Jeff the cat still refuses to play the bongos, so here’s Dave the cat and her drum machine under the lights on the stage, accompanied by the famous Bryn Terfel, who is standing in front of a microphone stand in his y- fronts and his handkerchief hat.

The audience is amazed even before they play a note.

Dave fires up the drum machine.

– Bmmm tssh, says the machine.

The famous Bryn Terfel takes a step forward and falls off the stage.

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