October 16, 2024

Mae’r Prifdaten yn achosi trafferth eto.

Byth ers i’r Prifdaten gael ei benodi, mae e wedi bod yn arllwys olew olewydd dros wallt pawb wrth floeddio am wasanaethau ariannol.

Am lanast.

Yn y cyfamser, mae’r tatws eu hunain yn rhedeg yn wyllt. Maen nhw allan o reolaeth. Maen nhw’n dwyn peli jyglo’r chwarter-siarc, a chwarae yng nghwstard Santes Dwynwen.

– Jeff, ma’ rhaid i ni neud rhywbeth, meddai Daf y gath, yn ddigalon.

Ond mae Jeff y gath wedi gadael am ddimensiwn arall ar gymysgedd o catnip ac olew olewydd.

Saesneg / English

Olive oil

The Prime Potato is causing trouble again.

Ever since the Prime Potato was appointed, he has been pouring olive oil over everyone’s hair while shouting about financial services.

What a mess.

Meanwhile, the potatoes themselves are running wild. They are out of control. They steal the quarter-shark’s juggling balls, and play in Santes Dwynwen’s custard.

– Jeff, we have to do something, says Dave the cat, discouraged.

But Jeff the cat has left for another dimension on a mixture of catnip and olive oil.

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