October 16, 2024

Mae baban newydd ymddangos yn yr ardd. Am wyrth!

Dyma dri dyn doeth gydag anrhegion.

Dyma Mari, y gaseg lwyd, yn mynd allan i grwydro o gwmpas.

Dyma gyfreithiwr.

O na.

Mae’r cyfreithiwr yn siarad â Dewi Sant. Mae’n debyg taw mab Dewi Sant yw’r plentyn. Nid yw Dewi’n cofio dim byd. Mae e wedi troi’n welw iawn.

Ond arhoswch funud.

Mae mintai o angylion yn dechrau canu dan oll orfoleddu. Mae fflach fawr a thamaid bach o fwg.

Dyma’r Esgob. Syrpreis!

Yr Esgob mewn gwisg ffansi oedd y baban.

O na.

Mae Daf y gath a’i chwaer Jeff yn dilyn y gaseg lwyd i’r stryd a rhoi’r gorau i’r Nadolig yn gyfan gwbl.

Saesneg / English


A baby has just appeared in the garden. What a miracle!

Here are three wise men with gifts.

Here is Mari, the grey mare, going out to wander around.

Here’s a lawyer.

Oh no.

The lawyer talks to Saint David. Apparently the child is Saint David’s son. Saint David doesn’t remember anything. He has turned very pale.

But wait a minute.

A host of angels begin to sing in exultation. There is a big flash and a little bit of smoke.

Here’s the Bishop. Surprise!

The baby was the Bishop in fancy dress.

Oh no.

Dave the cat and her sister Jeff follow the grey mare into the street and give up on Christmas altogether.

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