October 17, 2024

Mae cannoedd o afancod yn yr ardd. Maen nhw’n cnoi popeth, yn gynnwys sied Dewi Sant. Mae Dewi Sant yn ceisio eu heidio nhw.

– Beth sy’n mynd ymlân fan hyn? gofynna Daf y gath.

Mae Dewi Sant yn oedi, wrth dynnu ar ei sigarét.

– Mae gen i gynllun, meddai ef. – Yr ydwyf am fynd â nhw i Fae Ceredigion a’u twlu nhw i’r môr.

– Pam? gofynna Daf mewn syndod i gyd.

– Dw i am iddynt adeiladu argae anferth er mwyn i Gantre’r Gwaelod godi eto.

– Yn y môr?

– Yn y môr. Bydd yr argae yn ffynhonnell o egni adnewyddadwy hefyd.

Yn amlwg, mae Dewi Sant wedi meddwi. Mae e’n cwympo ar y ddaear a dechrau chwyrnu.

– Beth y’n ni i fod i wneud gyda’r afancod hyn i gyd? gofynna Daf i’r nefoedd.

Ond does dim ymateb.

English / Saesneg


There are hundreds of beavers in the garden. They are chewing everything, including Saint David’s shed. Saint David is trying to herd them.

– What’s going on here? asks Dave the cat.

Saint David pauses, taking a drag of his cigarette.

– I have a plan, he said. – I want to take them to Bae Ceredigion and throw them into the sea.

– Why? Dave asks in complete surprise.

– I want them to build a huge dam so that Cantre’r Gwaelod can rise again.

– In the sea?

– In the sea. The dam will also be a source of renewable energy.

Obviously, Saint David is drunk. He falls on the ground and starts snoring.

– What am I meant to do with all these beavers? Dave asks the heavens.

But there is no response.

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