October 17, 2024

Mae Keith y gordyn yn cael amser da yn yr heulwen. Dyw e ddim yn gwneud dim byd, yn ôl ei arfer. Dim byd heblaw am fod yn dew. Ac yn rownd.

Eleni, mae e wedi osgoi’r bygythiad o gael ei gerfio unwaith eto, ac erbyn hyn mae e’n edrych ymlaen at y Nadolig.

– Beth wyt ti isie fel anrheg Nadolig, Keith? meddai Daf.

– , meddai Keith.

Saesneg / English


Keith the gourd is having a good time in the sunshine. He isn’t doing anything, as usual. Nothing except being fat. And round.

This year, he has avoided the threat of being carved once again, and is now looking forward to Christmas.

– What do you want as a Christmas present, Keith? says Dave the cat.

– , says Keith.

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