October 17, 2024

Un tro, roedd Daf y gath a’i chwaer Jeff yn y carchar eto. Roeddent yno ers pedwar diwrnod.

Doedden nhw ddim yn gwybod pam oedden nhw yn y carchar o gwbl.

– Falle ‘bo ni wedi cymryd gormod o catnip, awgrymodd Jeff.

– Falle, meddai Daf, – Rhaid ‘bo ni ‘di neud rhywbeth rîly drwg, ‘ta beth.

– We ti ar y cyffuriau yn ystod yr oedfa hefyd, ‘te?

– Do, do. Sai’n gallu goroesi pregeth Dewi Sant heb gyffuriau.

Agorodd drws y carchar. Ymddangosodd y staff, a oedd wedi cael lliw haul.

– Gwyliau eto, meddai Jeff yn swta gan rolio’i llygaid.

Saesneg / English


Once upon a time, Dave the cat and her sister Jeff were in prison again. They were there for four days.

They didn’t know why they were in prison at all.

– Maybe we’ve taken too much catnip, suggested Jeff.

– Maybe, said Dave. – We must have done something really bad, anyway.

– Were you on drugs during the service too, then?

– Yes, yes. I can’t survive St David’s sermon without drugs.

The prison door opened. The staff, who had got a sun tan, appeared.

– Holidays again, Jeff said curtly, rolling her eyes.

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