October 17, 2024

Mae Draig y ci yn rhedeg o gwmpas yn wyllt.

Bachgen da yw e, ond niwsans yw e hefyd.

– Wnei di daflu’r bêl wnei di wnei di wnei di?

– Gad lonydd i fi, Draig, meddai Jeff y gath. – Mae gen i lot o bethau pwysig i neud.

Mae Draig yn mynd at Dewi Sant.

– Wnei di daflu’r bêl wnei di wnei di wnei di?

Ond mae Dewi Sant wedi meddwi eto. Dyw e ddim yn deffro.

Mae Draig yn mynd at y Prifdaten.

– Wnei di daflu’r bêl wnei di wnei di wnei di?

Mae’r Prifdaten yn colli ei thymer. Mae hi’n ymddangos yn union fel roedd hi o’r blaen, yn syllu ar y ffens heb ddweud dim byd.

Saesneg / English

Loss of temper

The dog Dragon is running around wildly.

He’s a good boy, but he’s also a nuisance.

– Will you throw the ball will you will you will you will you?

– Leave me alone, Dragon, said Jeff the cat. – I have a lot of important things to do.

A Dragon goes to St David’s.

– Will you throw the ball will you will you will you will you?

But Saint David is drunk again. He doesn’t wake up.

Dragon goes to the Prime Potato.

– Will you throw the ball will you will you will you will you?

The Prime Potato loses her temper. She appears exactly as she was before, staring at the fence without saying anything.

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