October 17, 2024

Mae Dewi Sant yn trio osgoi popeth.

Mae e’n osgoi beth sydd ar y teledu wrth ei daflu e i mewn i lyn.

Mae e’n osgoi beth sydd ar y radio wrth ei daflu e i mewn i sgip.

Mae e’n osgoi beth sydd ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol wrth beidio defnyddio’i ffôn symudol.

Yna daw’r Esgob.

– Dewi, mae rhaid i ti gynnal oedfa sbesial heno, meddai’r Esgob.

Damia, meddylia Dewi. O’n i’n gobeithio cael noson dawel gartref gyda Santes Dwynwen.

Saesneg / English


Saint David is trying to avoid everything.

He avoids what’s on the television by throwing it in a lake.

He avoids what’s on the radio by throwing it in a skip.

He avoids what is on social media by not using his mobile phone.

Then the Bishop comes.

– Dewi, you have to hold a special service tonight, said the Bishop.

Damn, thinks Dewi. I was hoping to have a quiet night in with Saint Dwynwen.

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