1228: Gwanwyn

Mae’r gwanwyn wedi cyrraedd.

Mae’r mwyeilch yn canu nerth eu pennau yn y coed.

Mae Daf y gath mas tu fas, yn edmygu’r cennin pedr. A bwyta sawl un ohonyn nhw.

Mae popeth yn obeithiol am unwaith.

Arhoswch am eiliad.

Beth yw’r sŵn erchyll ‘na?

Mae rhywun yn torri coed ac aredig mewn cae gerllaw.


Maen nhw’n mynd i godi stad o dai newydd.

O diar.

Bydd angen eu rhwystro nhw.

Mae Daf y gath mas tu fas.

Saesneg / English


Spring has arrived.

The blackbirds are singing at the top of their voices in the trees.

Dave the cat is outside, admiring the daffodils. And eating several of them.

Everything is hopeful for once.

Wait a moment.

What’s that horrible noise?

Someone is felling trees and ploughing in a nearby field.


They are going to build a new housing estate.

Oh dear.

They will need to be stopped.

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