1227: Crymych

Mae Daf y gath yn deffro ynghanol Crymych.

Ymddengys mai breuddwyd oedd y cwbl. Mae’r dref yn gyfan, does dim octopws tref-fwytaol wedi bod, does dim eglwys newydd i’r Esgob, ac mae Bryn Teribl yn chwarae ei gitâr fas yn hapus.


Felly, ble mae’r Archesgob?

Wel, dyna ryfedd o beth.

Os cofiwch chi, gadawon ni’r Archesgob yn y Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel, lle’r oedd popeth wedi dirywio. Roedd e’n eistedd yn unig ar dwmpath.

Wel. Mae’r Crymych Arall yn ôl i’r arferol. Mae’r Pandas Pinc yn chwarae gigs, ac mae’r tiwtoriaid Cymraeg off eu pennau ar gyffuriau amrywiol.

O ran yr Archesgob, ymddengys ei fod yn y Crymych Arall Arall.

O diar.

— Ddylen ni achub fe? gofyn Daf y gath.

— Na, medd Jeff.

O ran yr Archesgob, ymddengys ei fod yn y Crymych Arall Arall.

Saesneg / English


Dave the cat wakes up in the middle of Crymych.

It seems it was all a dream. The town is intact, there has been no town-eating octopus, there is no new church for the Bishop, and Bryn Teribl is playing his bass guitar happily.


So, where is the Archbishop?

Well, that’s a strange thing.

If you remember, we left the Archbishop in the Other Crymych beyond the horizon, where everything had deteriorated. He was sitting alone on a mound.

Well. The Other Crymych is back to normal. The Pink Pandas are playing gigs, and the Welsh tutors are off their heads on various drugs.

As for the Archbishop, it seems that he is in the Other Other Crymych.

Oh dear.

— Should we save him? asks Dave the cat.

— No, says Jeff.

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