Mae’r Esgob yn cyflwyno amcanion Daf y gath iddi hi.
Arhoswch am eiliad.
Ers pryd mae Daf y gath yn gweithio i’r Esgob?
Pwy a ŵyr.
Yn anffodus, mae Daf eisoes wedi datgysylltu, felly does ganddi hi ddim clem beth mae’r Esgob yn ddweud. Mae hi wedi cymryd sawl bisged seicedelig, ac mae hi ar ei ffordd i’r Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel.
Mae’r esgob yn mynnu bydd angen arni hi gofnodi ei hamcanion newydd yn system newydd yr eglwys.
Mae Daf yn parhau i fwynhau ei breuddwyd lliwgar.

Saesneg / English
Dave’s Objectives
The Bishop is presenting Dave the cat’s objectives to her.
Wait a moment.
Since when does Dave the cat work for the Bishop?
Who knows.
Unfortunately, Dave has already disconnected, so she has no idea what the Bishop is saying. She has taken several psychedelic biscuits, and she is on her way to the Other Crymych beyond the horizon.
The bishop insists that she will need to record her new objectives in the church’s new system.
Dave continues to enjoy her colourful dream.