1174: Terfysg

A’r cathod yn anfodlon parhau i berfformio, mae’r capybaraod yn codi terfysg ym muarth y ganolfan grefft. Maen nhw wedi rhoi llwyfan y sioe bypedi ar dân.

O diar.

Pwy sy’n mynd i achub y dydd?

Nid Owain Glyndŵr; mae e wedi ffoi. Nid y cathod chwaith.

Arhoswch funud.

Pwy yw hwn?

Yr enwog Swîp, y ci bach adnabyddus, wedi cyrraedd ar gefn ei injan tân bychan.

Yn anffodus mae Swîp yr un mor fwngleraidd â’r enwog Bryn Teribl, ac yn lle diffodd y tân, mae e’n crasho ei injan tân i mewn i siop weldio Bryn Teribl.

Mae ffrwydrad.

O diar.

“Mae’r capybaraod yn codi terfysg ym muarth y ganolfan grefft.”

Saesneg / English


With the cats unwilling to continue performing, the capybaras start a riot in the yard of the craft centre. They have set the stage of the puppet show on fire.

Oh dear.

Who is going to save the day?

Not Owain Glyndŵr; he has fled. Not the cats either.

Wait a minute.

Who is this?

The famous Sweep, the well-known small dog, has arrived on the back of his tiny fire engine.

Unfortunately Sweep is just as incompetent as the famous Bryn Teribl, and instead of putting out the fire, he crashes his fire engine into Bryn Teribl’s welding shop.

There is an explosion.

Oh dear.

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