Mae Jeff y gath wedi cyfansoddi cerdd i ddathlu Dydd Nadolig. Cerdd am sbrowts yw hi. Mae hi’n falch iawn, ac mae’r gerdd yn seiliedig ar weddi’r Arglwydd.
Fydd hi’n mynd i drafferth gyda’r seintiau?
Na fydd. Maen nhw’n gallach na hynny.
Dyma Jeff yn darllen ei cherdd hi:
Ein sbrowts
Yr hyn ydych yn y sosban
Ofnir eich enw
Deled eich plicio
Gwneler eich berwi
Megis ar y stôf
Felly yn y meicrodon hefyd
Rhoddwch inni heddiw ein harswyd blynyddol
A maddau inni pe bawn eich gwrthod
Fel y gwrthodwn gnau’r llynnedd sy’ wedi bod yn aros yng nghefn y cwpwrdd
Ac nac arwain ni i’r ffrij
Eithr gwared ni rhag mwy.
Canys eiddoch chwi yw tawelwch y rhech gapel, nerth y rhech fflachio, a gogoniant y rhech fetel,
Yn oes oesoedd,

Saesneg / English
Jeff the cat has composed a poem to celebrate Christmas Day. It is a poem about sprouts. She is very proud, and the poem is based on the Lord’s prayer.
Will she get into trouble with the saints?
It won’t. They are smarter than that.
Here is Jeff reading her poem:
Our sprouts
Which art in the saucepan
Feared be your name
Your peeling come
Your boiling be done
On the stove
As it is jn the microwave
Give us today our annual horror
And forgive us if we refuse you
As we refuse last year’s nuts that have been waiting at the back of the cupboard
And lead us not into the fridge
But deliver us from more.
For yours is the silence of the chapel fart, the strength of the flashing fart, and the glory of the metal fart,*
For ever and ever,
Author’s note: you can use the Wayback Machine to look these up on the Rhegiadur (swearing dictionary), but I think these idioms, though translated literally, are pretty self-explanatory…