Mae Bryn Teribl yn ceisio gwneud mins peis.
Ydy e wedi gwneud mins peis o’r blaen?
Nac ydy.
Mae Bryn Teribl yn beryglus iawn yn y gegin, felly fel arfer bydd Santes Dwynwen yn cloi’r drws.
Y tro diwetha iddo fe drio coginio rhywbeth, aeth e ar dân.
Ond does dim llosgi heddiw.
Mae blawd yn ei wallt, mae menyn ar ei drowsus, ac mae bloneg a briwfwyd dros y lle i gyd.
O, Bryn.
Saesneg / English
Mince pies
Bryn Teribl is trying to make mince pies.
Has he made mince pies before?
Bryn Teribl is very dangerous in the kitchen, so Saint Dwynwen usually locks the door.
The last time he tried to cook something, he caught fire.
But there is no burning today.
There’s flour in his hair, there’s butter on his trousers, and there’s lard and mincemeat all over the place.
O, Bryn.