1141: Moroco

Dychwelodd Bryn Teribl i’r llong bleser gyda gitâr fas newydd. Ble mae gweddillion yr hen un? Pwy a ŵyr.

Nawr, mae Daf y gath a’i chwaer Jeff wedi hwylio eu llong bleser nhw i Foroco. Maen nhw wedi parcio ger Casablanca.

Arhoswch am funud.

Pam mae’r Esgob yng Nghasablanca?

Mae e’n gweld y llong bleser a mynnu gwybod lle mae Dewi Sant. Ond nid yw Dewi Sant ar y llong bleser. All e ddim nofio. Yn ôl yn y ganolfan grefft yw e, yn yfed ac ysmygu.

Mae Bryn Teribl yn bygwth chwarae ei gitâr fas newydd.

Mae’r Esgob yn hel Bryn Teribl ymaith.

“Mae’r Esgob yn hel Bryn Teribl ymaith.”

Saesneg / English


Bryn Teribl returned to the yacht with a new bass guitar. Where are the remains of the old one? Who knows.

Now, Dave the cat and her sister Jeff have sailed their pleasure boat to Morocco. They have parked near Casablanca.

Wait a minute.

Why is the Bishop in Casablanca?

He sees the yacht and demands to know where Saint David is. But Saint David is not on the yacht. He can’t swim. He is back at the craft centre, drinking and smoking.

Bryn Teribl threatens to play his new bass guitar.

The Bishop chases Bryn Teribl away.

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