1135: Gwanwyn

Yn ôl yn y Dinbych-y-pysgod Arall mae’r cathod yn gweld bod y Shêc ‘n’ Fac i gyd wedi mynd.

Ydy’r gwanwyn wedi cyrraedd?

Nac ydy, dyw’r gwanwyn ddim wedi cyrraedd.

Mae’r aelodau o Ferched y Wawr wedi cymryd y cyfan. O diar. Maen nhw off eu pennau’n gyfan gwbl.

Fel canlyniad, mae rhywbeth od wedi digwydd.

Mae’r aelodau o Ferched y Wawr wedi mynd ar daith seicedelig. Allwch chi ddyfalu ble ydyn nhw nawr?

Dyna ni, maen nhw’n gwrando ar y Pandas Pinc yn y Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r gorwel!

Heb ei gweision bach, does gan y Frenhines Wen mo’r pŵer i orthrymu’r Dinbych-y-pysgod Arall bellach. Am gyfleus. Mae hi’n toddi i ffwrdd.

— Dim ond i ni adfywio Alan, medd Jeff y gath.

Ond lle unwaith roedd Alan yn neuadd y dref, wedi’i strapio wrth gadair, mae’r gadair nawr yn wag.

“Dyna ni, maen nhw’n gwrando ar y Pandas Pinc yn y Crymych Arall y tu hwnt i’r Gorwel!”

Saesneg / English


Back in Tenby the cats see that all the Shake ‘n’ Vac has gone.

Has spring arrived?

No, spring hasn’t arrived.

The members of Merched y Wawr have taken it all. Oh dear. They are completely out of their minds.

As a result, something odd has happened.

The members of Merched y Wawr have gone on a psychedelic trip. Can you guess where they are now?

That’s it, they’re listening to the Pink Pandas in the Other Crymych beyond the horizon!

Without her minions, the White Queen no longer has the power to oppress the Other Tenby. How convenient. She melts away.

— We just have to revive Alan, says Jeff the cat.

But where Alan once was in the town hall, strapped to a chair, the chair is now empty.

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