(Rhybudd: Tafodiaith Sir Benfro!)
Pam mae sut gymaint o Shêc ‘n’ Fac ar y llawr yn y Dinbych-y-pysgod arall y tu hwnt i’r wardrob?
Mae Daf y gath yn gofyn y cwestiwn i’r pysgodyn hetiog.
— Sdim llefeleth ‘da fi, medd y pysgodyn. — Yn sydyn, ddâth sŵn ombeidus wrth i ni feindo’n busnes yn hunen. Ac wedyn wedd Shêc ‘n’ Fac ym mhobman. Sana i ‘di clywed arogl y môr ers blynydde.
— Hmm, medd Daf. — Pa fath o sŵn wedd e?
— Wedd lot o sgrechan a sŵn fel bom. Ma’n digwydd o hyd, bob hyn a hyn.
O na.
Mae’n swnio braidd fel bod Bryn Teribl wedi bod yn chwarae ei gitâr fas eto. Ond mae Bryn yn ôl yn y ganolfan grefft.
Am ddirgelwch.

Saesneg / English
Warning: Pembrokeshire Dialect!
Why is there so much Check ‘n’ Check on the floor in Tenby other than the wardrobe?
Dave the cat asks the question to the behatted fish.
— No idea, says the fish. — Suddenly, there came a terrible noise as we were minding our own business. And then there was Shake ‘n’ Vac everywhere. I’ve not been able to smell the sea for years.
— Hmm, says Dave. – What kind of noise was it?
— There was a lot of screaming and a noise like a bomb. It still happens, every now and then.
Oh no.
It sounds a bit like Bryn Teribl has been playing his bass guitar again. But Bryn is back at the craft centre.
What a mystery.