Mae Daf y gath wedi mynd i mewn i wardrob Santes Dwynwen. Does dim cefn i’r wardrob, felly mae hi’n cadw i fynd. Yn y pen draw mae hi’n gweld tai lliwgar a harbwr darluniadwy.
Ni ddim yn Kansas nawr, meddylia Daf.
Mae popeth yn wyn.
Ydy hi wedi bod yn bwrw eira?
Nac ydy.
Mae hi wedi bod yn bwrw Shêc ‘n’ Fac. Mae popeth o dan haen drwchus o’r powdr persawrus.
Mae Santes Dwynwen wedi dilyn Daf. Roedd hi’n becso byddai Daf yn dod o hyd i guddfan y Dreamies. Maen nhw’n cwrdd wrth ochr postyn lamp.
— Ble ‘yn ni? gofyn Daf y gath i bysgodyn mewn het sy’n mynd heibio.
— Y Dinbych-y-pysgod Arall y tu hwnt i’r wardrob, medd y pysgodyn. — Pysgodyn wdw i.
— Felly ma’n ymddangos.
— Tisie hat?

Saesneg / English
The Other Tenby
Dave the cat has entered Saint Dwynwen’s wardrobe. There is no back to the wardrobe, so she keeps going. Eventually she sees colourful houses and a picturesque harbour.
We’re not in Kansas now, thinks Dave.
Everything is white.
Has it been snowing?
It has been snowing Shake ‘n’ Vac. Everything is under a thick layer of the fragrant powder.
Saint Dwynwen has followed Dave. She was worried that Dave would find the hiding-place of the Dreamies. They meet by the side of a lamp-post.
— Where are we? asks Dave the cat to a passing fish in a hat.
— The Other Tenby beyond the wardrobe, says the fish. — I am a fish.
— So it seems.
— D’you want a hat?