Tra oedd pawb arall ar y blaned Mawrth, mae Santes Dwynwen wedi bod yn darllen.
Peidiwch â becso — dyw hi ddim yn mynd i gynnal clwb darllen.
Ond mae hi wedi bod yn darllen am fisgedi cathod. Yn ôl y sôn, mae llawer o siwgr mewn Dreamies.
— Hei, Dwynners, ga i Dreamie plîs? gofyn Daf y gath.
— Na chei.
— Pam ddim?
— Fi di câl gwared â’r Dreamies.
— Ti di neud BETH?
Dyw Daf y gath ddim yn hapus o gwbl. Mae hi’n crafu Santes Dwynwen a gwneud protest fudr.
O diar.

Saesneg / English
While everyone else was on Mars, Saint Dwynwen has been reading.
Don’t worry — she’s not going to host a reading club.
But she has been reading about cat biscuits. Apparently Dreamies are high in sugar.
— Hey, Dwynners, can I have Dreamie please? asks Dave the cat.
— You can’t.
— Why not?
— I’ve got rid of the Dreamies.
— You’ve done WHAT?
Dave the cat is not happy at all. She scratches Saint Dwynwen and makes a dirty protest.
Oh dear.