Ar y blaned Mawrth, mae Dewi Sant wedi colli ei drowsus.
Ble maen nhw?
Roedd e’n gweddïo’n dawel pan sylweddolodd ef eu bod nhw ar goll.
Ydy rhywun wedi eu dwyn nhw?
Yn debygol iawn.
Arhoswch am eiliad. Beth mae Daf y gath yn wneud â’r holl beirianwaith yna, a pam mae trowsus Dewi Sant yn clymu’r cyfan at ei gilydd?
Llong ofod newydd Daf yw hi. Maen nhw’n mynd adre! Hwrê!

Saesneg / English
On Mars, Saint David has lost his trousers.
Where are they?
He was praying silently when he realised they were missing.
Has someone stolen them?
Very likely.
Wait a moment. What is Dave the cat doing with all that machinery, and why are Saint David’s trousers tying the whole lot together?
It’s Dave’s new spaceship. They are going home! Hooray!