Mae ffatri’r Mawrthiaid yn cynhyrchu Shêc ‘n’ Fac synthetig ar ei gapasiti llawn, sy’n golygu eu bod nhw i gyd off eu pennau ar y powdr gwyn persawrus.
Oes angen Menter Iaith Mawrth bellach?
Oedd angen Menter Iaith Mawrth erioed?
Dim mewn gwirionedd.
Nawr bod y Mawrthiaid yn gaeth i’r Shêc ‘n’ Fac unwaith eto does dim gobaith i Mrs Trefnus eu haddysgu am y treiglad trwynol, na dim byd arall at hynny.
Efallai bod hi’n amser i’r criw fynd adre. Hoffai Jeff y gath fynd i hela, ac mae Daf y gath yn gweld eisiau Dreamies.
Dim ond un cwestiwn sydd ar ôl: sut mae teithio’n ôl i’r Ddaear?

Saesneg / English
The Martians’ factory is producing synthetic Shake ‘n’ Vac at full capacity, which means they are all off their heads on the fragrant white powder.
Is there any need for Menter Iaith Mars now?
Was there ever any need for Menter Iaith Mars?
Not really.
Now that the Martians are addicted to the Shake ‘n’ Vac once again there is no chance for Mrs Trefnus to teach them about the nasal mutation, or anything else for that matter.
Maybe it’s time for the crew to go home. Jeff the cat would like to go hunting, and Dave the cat misses Dreamies.
Only one question remains: how do they travel back to Earth?