Pwy yw Alan?
Un o Dduwiau’r Carpedi yw Alan. Duw y Siagpeil yw e. Mae’n cymryd llawer o ymdrech i gadw ffresni carped siagpeil. Dyna pam greodd Alan Shêc ‘n’ Fac yn y lle cyntaf. Roedd rhaid iddo fe roi’r ffresni’n ôl.
Fel unrhyw dduw arall, mae Alan yn hollbwerus ac yn hollwybodol, ac mae e’n cadw llygad ar y Mawrthiaid a’u ffatri Shêc ‘n’ Fac.
Pam mae ganddo gymaint o ddiddordeb ynddyn nhw?
Does dim siagpeil ar y blaned Mawrth, wedi’r cwbl.
Wel. Mae ganddyn nhw ganiatâd cynllunio, mae hynny’n sicr, ond maen nhw hefyd yn torri’r gyfraith o ran hawliau eiddo deallusol.
O diar.

Saesneg / English
Who is Alan?
Alan is one of the Carpet Gods. He is the God of Shagpile. It takes a lot of effort to keep a shagpile carpet fresh. That’s why Alan created Shake ‘n’ Vac in the first place. He had to put the freshness back.
Like any other god, Alan is all-powerful and omniscient, and he is keeping an eye on the Martians and their Shake ‘n’ Vac factory.
Why is he so interested in them?
There is no shagpile on Mars, after all.
Well. They have planning permission, that’s for sure, but they’re also breaking the law in terms of intellectual property rights.
Oh dear.