Mae’r Mawrthiaid wedi cael llwyddiant mawr yn eu labordy.
Maen nhw wedi dadansoddi cyfansoddiad y Shêc ‘n’ Fac oedd ar wefusau un ohonyn nhw, ac felly mae ganddyn nhw’r fformiwla bellach.
Maen nhw’n mynd i gynhyrchu Shêc ‘n’ Fac synthetig!
Arhoswch am eiliad. Ydy hynny’n golygu taw sylwedd naturiol yw Shêc ‘n’ Fac fel arfer?
Mewn ffordd. Cafodd Shêc ‘n’ Fac ei greu gan Dduwiau’r carpedi heb ffatri.
Eniwê. Mae Daf y gath yn gwylio wrth i’r Mawrthiaid godi ffatri newydd o’r llwch. Ydyn nhw wedi cael caniatâd cynllunio? O ble maen nhw’n mynd i gael y cynhwysion? Pwy a ŵyr.
Mae ffrwydrad.
Ah, maen nhw’n mynd i fwyngloddio.

Saesneg / English
The Martians have had great success in their laboratory.
They have analysed the composition of the Shake ‘n’ Vac that was on the lips of one of them, and so they now have the formula.
They are going to produce synthetic Shake ‘n’ Vac!
Wait a moment. Does that mean Shake ‘n’ Vac is usually a naturally-occurring substance?
In a way. Shake ‘n’ Vac was created by the carpet Gods without a factory.
Anyway. Dave the cat watches as the Martians raise a new factory from the dust. Have they got planning permission? Where are they going to get the ingredients from? Who knows.
There is an explosion.
Ah, they are going mining.