Rhywsut, yn y gofod dwfn, mae Bryn Teribl wedi dadrewi.
Mae e wedi bod yn archwilio’r Gwregys Kuiper, lle mae llawer o blanedau corachaidd.
Er ei syndod mawr, mae e wedi darganfod planed gyfan sy’ wedi ei ffurfio o fath cyfarwydd o lwch. Mae hi’n bersawrus iawn.
Pelen soled o Shêc ‘n’ Fac yw e.
Am gyfleus!
Mae e’n defnyddio ei flwch cardbord i halio’r blaned gorachaidd yn ôl i’r blaned Mawrth.
Bydd Shêc ‘n’ Fac i bawb. Hwrê!

Saesneg / English
Somehow, in deep space, Bryn Teribl has thawed out.
He has been exploring the Kuiper Belt, where there are many dwarf planets.
To his great surprise, he has discovered an entire planet that is formed from a familiar type of dust. It is very fragrant.
It is a solid ball of Shake ‘n’ Vac.
How convenient!
He uses his cardboard box to tow the dwarf planet back to Mars.
There will be Shake ‘n’ Vac for everyone. Hooray!