Mae Bryn Teribl wedi bod yn teithio drwy Gysawd yr Haul ar drywydd cyflenwad newydd o Shêc ‘n’ Fac.

Wrth iddo fe gyrraedd y blaned gorachaidd Plwton, mae’r tymheredd yn ofnadwy o isel.

Erbyn hyn, mae’r Shêc ‘n’ Fac wedi colli ei bwysigrwydd.

Pam hynny?

Achos bod yr enwog Bryn Teribl wedi rhewi’n solet.

Mae e’n dechrau cylchdroi o gwmpas Plwton yn ei flwch cardbord.

Mae tawelwch dwfn yn y tywyllwch.

“Mae Bryn Teribl wedi rhewi’n solet.”

Saesneg / English


Bryn Teribl has been travelling through the Solar System in search of a new supply of Shake ‘n’ Vac.

As he reaches the dwarf planet Pluto, the temperature is terribly low.

By now, the Shake ‘n’ Vac has lost its importance.

Why is that?

Because the famous Bryn Teribl is frozen solid.

He starts orbiting around Pluto in his cardboard box.

There is a deep silence in the darkness.

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