1114: Y blaned Neifion

Mae Bryn Teribl yn mynd trwy’r gofod yn ei flwch cardbord fel cath i gythraul.

Mae e’n cyrraedd y blaned Neifion.

Annwyl Dduw, mae’n oer.

Mae’r oerfel yn gwneud i fysedd Bryn Teribl droi’n las, fel y blaned. Does dim gwres canolog ar y blaned Neifion.

Does dim Shêc ‘n’ Fac chwaith.

“Does dim gwres canolog ar y blaned Neifion.”

Saesneg / English

The planet Neptune

Bryn Teribl goes through space in his cardboard box like a cat to a demon.

He reaches the planet Neptune.

Dear God, it’s cold.

The cold makes Bryn Teribl’s fingers turn blue, like the planet. There is no central heating on the planet Neptune.

There is no Shake ‘n’ Vac either.

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