Erbyn hyn, mae’r Mawrthiaid yn anwybyddu Dewi Sant a’i Feibl. Dyw’r Datguddiad ddim o ddiddordeb iddyn nhw o gwbl.
Beth sydd o ddiddordeb iddyn nhw, te?
Y powdr gwyn ar wefusau un ohonyn nhw!
Beth yw e?
Olion Shêc ‘n’ Fac yw e! Hwrê!
Maen nhw’n arwain y Mawrthiad lwcus i’w labordy tanddaearol. Maen nhw am brosesu’r Shêc ‘n’ Fac, ei ddadansoddi, a deall y fformiwla.
Bydd Shêc ‘n’ Fac i bawb!

Saesneg / English
By now, the Martians are ignoring Saint David and his Bible. Revelation is of no interest to them at all.
What interests them, then?
The white powder on the lips of one of them!
What is it?
It’s traces of Shake ‘n’ Vac! Hooray!
They lead the lucky Martian to their underground laboratory. They want to process the Shake ‘n’ Vac, analyze it, and understand the formula.
There will be Shake ‘n’ Vac for all!