Mae Dewi Sant wedi troi lan ar wyneb y blaned Mawrth.
Mae e wedi bod yn trio perswadio’r Mawrthiaid i fynychu oedfa cymundeb.
Pam hynny?
Achos bod yr Esgob wedi gorchymyn iddo fe ei wneud.
Achos bod yr Esgob yn poeni am effaith Shêc ‘n’ Fac ar ysbrydolrwydd y Mawrthiaid.
Ond does dim Shêc ‘n’ Fac ar ôl bellach. Mae Bryn Teribl wedi cymryd y cyfan.
Mae Dewi Sant ar siwrnai seithug.

Saesneg / English
Saint David has turned up on the surface of Mars.
He has been trying to persuade the Martians to attend a communion service.
Why is that?
Because the Bishop has ordered him to do it.
Because the Bishop is worried about the effect of Shake ‘n’ Vac on the spirituality of the Martians.
But there is no Shake ‘n’ Vac left now. Bryn Teribl has taken it all.
Saint David is on a fool’s errand.