Mae Bryn Teribl yn poeni a chrynu.
Achos nad oes llawer o Shêc ‘n’ Fac ar ôl iddo fe ar y blaned Mawrth, ac mae ei gaethineb yn ddifrifol iawn.
Tra bod Bryn Teribl yn parhau i wneud y Shêc ‘n’ Fac a rhoi’r ffresni’n ôl, mae ei efell, yr enwog Owain Glyndŵr, yn hercian heibio ar ei ail gylchdro gorchest o’r blaned.
Mae Mrs. Trefnus yn trafod y sefyllfa â’r cathod.
— Dim ond osgoi Natalie Darllen oedd y pwrpas o ddod yma, meddai hi. — Beth am i ni fynd nôl?
— Shwt ma neud ‘ny? Ma’r hen fwystfil nath fyta Natalie Darllen ‘di byta’r long ofod ‘fyd, medd Jeff y gath.
— Allen ni fflio yn y blwch cardbord, medd Daf y gath. — Simples.
— Ond so ni’n mynd i ffito’r tri ‘onyn ni a’r efeilliaid ynddo fe, medd Mrs. Trefnus.
— Allen ni adel nw lan fan hyn, medd Jeff.
Ond mae’n rhy hwyr. Mae’r crynedig Bryn Teribl eisoes wedi herwgipio’r blwch cardbord a’i hedfan i’r gofod ar drywydd cyflenwad newydd o Shêc ‘n’ Fac.
— Ni’n stýc, medd Daf.

Saesneg / English
Bryn Teribl is worrying and shaking.
Because he hasn’t got much Shake ‘n’ vac left on Mars, and his addiction is very serious.
While Bryn Teribl continues to do the Shake ‘n’ vac and put the freshness back, his twin, the famous Owain Glyndŵr, limps past on his second lap of honourof the planet.
Mrs. Trefnus discusses the situation with the cats.
— The purpose of coming here was just to avoid Natalie Darllen, she said. – Why don’t we go back?
— How? The old monster that ate Natalie Darlen ate the spaceship as well, says Jeff the cat.
— We could fly in the cardboard box, says Dave the cat. — Simples.
— But we’re not going to fit the three of us and the twins in it, says Mrs. Trefnus.
— We could leave them up here, says Jeff.
But it’s too late. The trembling Bryn Teribl has already hijacked the cardboard box and flown it into space in pursuit of a new supply of Shake ‘n’ Vac.
— We’re stuck, says Dave.