Pam mae crys yn y tywod?
Crys ffurfiol yw e, fel rhywbeth byddai canwr opera yn ei wisgo, o bosib, ac mae e wedi ei blygu’n daclus.
Mae Jeff y gath wedi ei drysu.
Mae hi ar drywydd yr enwog Bryn Teribl ar y blaned Mawrth, ac mae’n amlwg bod y canwr enwog wedi bod yn dadwisgo a chael gwared â’i holl ddillad.
Ond pam? Beth mae e’n wneud?
Mae Jeff yn hanner-ddisgwyl gweld pâr o drowsus yn y pellter.
O, dyna nhw.

Saesneg / English
Shirt and trousers
Why is there a shirt in the sand?
It’s a formal shirt, like something an opera singer might wear, and it is folded tidily.
Jeff the cat is confused.
She is on the trail of the famous Bryn Teribl on Mars, and it is clear that the famous singer has been undressing and getting rid of all his clothes.
But why? What is he doing?
Jeff half expects to see a pair of trousers in the distance.
Oh, there they are.